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. 2012 May 11;3:92. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00092

Table 1.

The occurrence of selected nucleotide sugar biosynthetic genes and pectic polysaccharides in green plants.

Plant UDP-Api UDP-Rha UDP-GalA UDP-Xyl UDP-Araf CMP-Kdo GDP-Gal Pectic polysaccharide

Nucleotide sugar biosynthetic genes1 RG-I RG-II HG
Arabidopsis thaliana G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ + + +
Oryza sativa G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ + + +
Selaginella moellendorffii G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+ G+/E+ + + +
Physcomitrella patens G+/E− G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ + ? +
Mesostigma viride Nd Nd Nd E− E− E + E− ? ? ?
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Nd G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ Nd G+/E+ ? ? ?
Volvox carteri Nd G+/E+ G+/E + G+/E− G+/E+ G−/E− G+/E + ? ? ?
Scherffelia dubia Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd E+2 Nd ? ? ?
Chlorella sp. Nd G+/E− Nd G+/E− G+/E− G+/E− Nd ? ? ?
Micromonas sp. Nd G+/E+ G+/E− G+E− Nd G+/E− G+/E− ? ? ?
Ostreococcus tauri/lucima Nd G+/E+ G+/E+ G+/E+ Nd G+/E− G+/E+ ? ? ?

1Genes used for database queries were the functionally characterized Arabidopsis genes: UDP-apiose synthase (UAXS, AXS, At2g27860); UDP-Rha synthase (URS, Rhm, At1g78570); UDP-GalA 4-epimerase (UGlcAE, GAE, At2g45310, for UDP-GalA); UDP-xylose synthase (UXS, AT3g62830); UDP-arabinose mutase (UAM, RGP, At3g02230); CMP-Kdo synthase (CKS, AT1G53000); GDP-Man 3,5-epimerase (GME, AT5g28840, for GDP-l-Gal). G, presence (+) or absence (−) of a sequence homolog in publically available genomic data base (NCBI, January 2012). E, presence (+) or absence (−) of sequence homolog in expressed sequence tag (EST) data (NCBI, January 2012).?, indicates not detected or no data available. Nd, gene, or EST not detected in database. 2The scaly walls of Scherffelia dubia contain a sulfated KDO polymer. No KDO synthase sequences were identified, although an EST was reported by Becker et al. (2001). No GalA-kinase detected in Physcomitrella and the green algae. The possibility cannot be excluded that a transcript of the gene is expressed during a specific stage in the life of the plant.