Figure 2.
Chemical structures of the hybrid ligands and compounds used in this study. The Mtx–Dex hybrid ligand as synthesized from the thiol derivatives of Mtx and Dex by Abida et al. (2002) contains a 10-methylene chain linker. All other baits were synthesized with polyethylene glycol diamine linker and the functional group of the small molecule used for coupling to the Mtx–(PEG)3–NH2 intermediate is highlighted in red, the hydroxy groups were converted to a succinyl ester HOOC–CH2–CH2–COO–R prior to coupling. JA, jasmonic acid; ABA, abscisic acid; CA, cucurbic acid; CAMe, cucurbic acid methylester; Cpd8, compound 8 (a palmitoylated benzodiazepinedione derivative); 6OH-SA, 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid.