Figure 1.
Scheme for βAR signaling cascades controlling lipolysis in adipocytes. βARs activate adenylyl cyclase through their coupling to the heterotrimeric Gs, producing cAMP (green dots) from ATP (yellow dots) to activate the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), allowing the catalytic subunits (PKA-C2) to be released from the holoenzyme that is anchored to the plasma membrane (AKAP). PKA phosphorylates (blue dots) lipases (HSL: hormone sensitive lipase) and lipid droplet binding proteins such as perilipins (Peri A; Peri B). Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is phosphorylated but not by PKA. The fatty acids released from triglyceride are chaperoned out of the cell by lipid binding proteins (aP2) and exported through fatty acid transport proteins (FATP).