Figure 1.
Blocking neuroprogesterone synthesis alters the pattern of estrous cycles in gonadally intact rats. The 4-day rat estrous cycle is diagrammatically presented. Each day of the cycle is indicated on the ordinate: D1, diestrous day 1; D2, diestrous day 2; P, proestrus; and E, estrus. Neuroprogesterone synthesis was blocked by infusion of a P450scc inhibitor, aminoglutethimide (AGT), into the third ventricle (3V) via an implanted cannula. All animals treated with DMSO (5%, vehicle n = 14; data not shown) had normal 4 day estrous cycles as determined by vaginal cytology. In contrast, 11/14 AGT treated rats (0800 hours on proestrus, indicated by the arrow) had disrupted estrous cycles with delayed onset of estrous as determined by vaginal cytology (from Micevych and Sinchak, 2008a).