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. 2012 Mar 28;32(13):4440–4456. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4442-11.2012

Figure 10.

Figure 10.

Expression of DCC in OR111-7-expressing neurons corrects mistargeting induced by DCC knockdown. A–D, Maximum intensity projections of serial confocal optical sections of 3-d-old larvae (ventral view). E–L, Single confocal optical sections through 3-d-old OR111-7 transgene-expressing larvae (frontal view). Propidium iodide (blue) labels olfactory bulb cells and allows identification of distinct protoglomeruli. M–P, Maximum intensity projections of serial confocal optical sections of the same larvae shown immediately above. Q, R, The percentages of larval olfactory bulbs with the specified axonal misprojections are shown. Bars are color coded based on the larval groups indicated at the top of the figure. A, E, I, M, White bars in Q, R, Three-day-old control uninjected OR111-7:IRES:Gal4; UAS:Citrine larvae without the UAS:DCC transgene. B, F, J, N, Blue bars in Q, R, Three-day-old OR111-7:IRES:Gal4; UAS:Citrine larvae without UAS:DCC were injected with DCC MO1. C, G, K, O, Green bars in Q, R, Three-day-old uninjected OR111-7:IRES:Gal4; UAS:Citrine larvae that also carry the UAS:DCC transgene. D, H, L, P, Red bars in Q, R, Three-day-old OR111-7:IRES:Gal4; UAS:Citrine larvae carrying UAS:DCC were injected with DCC MO1 (Rescue condition). B, Blue Post bar in Q, Reducing DCC levels causes posterior misprojections. A, C, White and green Post bars in Q, Posterior targeting errors are not observed in the absence of DCC MO. OR111-7-transgenic axons (green) are present in the central zone (CZ, white arrowhead) and in the lateral glomerulus 1 (LG1, white arrowhead). D, Red Post bar in Q, Posterior targeting errors in DCC morphants are reduced in OR111-7 axons also expressing the UAS:DCC transgene. J, N, Blue DZ bar in R, Reducing DCC levels causes OR111-7-transgenic neurons to inappropriately enter the DZ (yellow arrowhead). I, M, K, O, White and green DZ bars in R, OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons do not enter DZ in the absence of DCC morpholino regardless of whether the UAS:DCC transgene is present. L, P, Red DZ bar in R, Axonal mistargeting into DZ is reduced in DCC morphants that contain the morpholino-resistant UAS:DCC transgene. Green Vent and Mid bars in Q, Increased ventral and midline misprojections are observed in OR111-7-transgenic larvae that express the UAS:DCC transgene. Fisher's exact test was used to test for statistical significance, p < 0.05. Scale bar (in P): A–P, 50 μm. Post, Posterior; Vent, ventral; Mid, midline; CZ, central zone.