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. 2012 Mar;129(3):426–432. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-1505


Population Characteristics for 19- to 23-Year-Olds for 3 States That Enacted Extension Eligibility Laws in 2005 or 2006 and the 17 States Without Legislation, 2002–2004 and 2008–2009

States Enacting Laws
(3 states, n = 3473) States Without Laws
(17 states, n = 17 173) P
Age 19–20 y, % 37.2a 38.8 .64
Female gender, % 48.1 47.7 .80
Race, % <.001
 Hispanic/Latino 23.1 26.4
 White 58.8 50.6
 Black 9.3 11.0
 Other 8.3 11.7
Education, % <.001
 No high school diploma 10.3 13.2
 High school diploma 32.7 35.8
 Some college 56.7 51.0
Marital status, % <.001
 Never married 85.3 82.7
 Divorced, widowed, separated 1.8 2.3
 Married 12.6 15.1
Self-reported health status, % .35
 Excellent 25.2 23.7
 Very good/good 64.1 67.2
 Fair 9.1 7.9
 Poor 1.7 1.2
Employment, % .002
 Employed for wages 51.9 48.3
 Self-employed 4.2 4.3
 Out of work for >1 y 2.4 3.6
 Out of work for <1 y 9.6 9.6
 Homemaker 3.9 5.2
 Student 25.9 26.7
 Unable to work 1.8 2.3
Annual household income, % <.001
 $0 to $24 999 31.5 38.3
 $25 000 to $35 000 10.6 11.2
 $35 000 to $$50 000 12.0 11.4
 >$50 000 24.9 21.0
 Missing 20.7 18.1

Sums may not round to 100 due to rounding.