Fig. 1.
Phenotypic characterization of sor1. (A) sor1 was isolated as a 1O2-resistant mutant by growing on solid TAP medium containing lethal concentrations of the chemicals RB (2 μM) and NR (8 μM). (B) RNA gel blot analysis revealed that the sor1 mutant exhibits a constitutive higher expression of the 1O2-responsive genes GPXH, GSTS1, and GSTS2 compared with WT, which was confirmed quantitatively by qPCR. (C) Quantitative analyses of the sor1 resistance to various oxidative and electrophilic stress conditions were done in liquid cultures by growing cells with increasing concentration of individual chemical for 24 h and subsequent spotting on agar plates for recovery. (D) Distribution of annotated genes (496 up-regulated and 288 down-regulated) of 1,895 genes differently expressed at least twofold in sor1 compared with WT into different functional categories based on Mapman (28). Size of the slice for each functional group is based on the absolute number of up- or down-regulated genes annotated to each category.