Figure 9.
Impaired recovery of OD in binocular visual cortex of Bdnfklox/klox mice, examined with electrophysiological single-unit recording. A–C, Distribution of ocular dominance score of individual cells in the binocular visual cortex after 4 d of BV preceded by 5 d of MD in WT (+/+) mice (A) and in Bdnfklox/klox (k/k) mice (B), and in Bdnf+/− (+/−) mice (C). D, CBI for each animal (circles) and group averages (bars), computed from OD scores shown in A–C. The shaded area represents the range of CBI in WT animals with normal visual experience at similar ages (Gordon and Stryker, 1996). *p < 0.05 between genotypes by one-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons with Bonferroni's correction.