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. 2012 May 8;2012:314740. doi: 10.1155/2012/314740

Table 2.

Characteristics of tobacco users who enrolled with the 16 quitlines around the time of the April 1, 2009 federal tax increase (March 2009–May 2009) and in the same months the previous year (March 2008–May 2008) (n = 79,928).

March–May 2008
N = 29, 674
March–May 2009
N = 50, 254
P value
Age <0.0001
Mean (SD) 41.2 (13.7) 41.9 (13.6)
Age % % 0.0005
 18–24 13.6 11.5
 25–44 43.3 43.6
 45–64 38.4 39.9
 65+ 4.8 5.0
Gender % % 0.2822
 Female 59.1 59.8
Race/ethnicity % % 0.0005
 White/non-Hispanic 77.5 80.1
 African American/non-Hispanic 12.1 10.4
 American Indian/non-Hispanic 5.2 4.6
Asian/non-Hispanic 0.8 0.7
 Hispanic 4.4 4.1
Education % % 0.007
 ≤High school 58.6 61.0
Insurance status1 % % 0.323
 Uninsured 41.7 43.0
 Insured 40.5 38.3
 Medicaid 17.8 18.7
Live/work with smoker % % <0.0001
 smokers at home 34.0 37.2
 smokers at work 15.4 13.1
 smokers at both 16.3 15.3
 neither 34.4 34.4
Years of tobacco use1 % % <0.0001
 0–5 3.6 5.4
 6–19 25.0 30.9
 Use Tobacco 20+ yrs 71.4 63.7
Use after waking % % 0.3981
 First use w/in 5 min 52.0 52.7
Mean (s.d.) cigarettes/day 0.006
 Mean (s.d.) 20.0 (12.6)
N = 29674
20.7 (12.4)
N = 50254
% Mailed NRT1 % % 0.176
 Yes 76.3 80.9
Tobacco use2 % %
 Cigar 2.4 3.0 <0.0001
 Pipe 0.3 0.5 <0.0001
 Smokeless 3.9 3.6 0.017
Chronic conditions: % %
 Asthma 17.9 17.0 0.140
 Diabetes 9.3 9.3 0.832
 COPD 13.4 11.9 0.015
 CAD 7.2 6.7 0.025
 NONE 66.0 67.4 0.133
How heard of QL % % 0.0013
 HCP3 11.4 13.1
 Family/friend 20.3 31.2
 Media 34.8 27.0
 Other 33.6 28.8
Service Received % %
 % in multicall program4 74.7 65.7 <0.0001

1Some variables had missing data either because the question was not routinely asked or participants did not answer the question. Items with >10% missing data include education, insurance status, duration smoked, household smoker, and percent mailed NRT.

297.3 and 97.9% (before, after) smoked cigarettes.

3HCP: health care provider.

4 N = 55,180 enrolled in the multicall program.