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. 2012 May 9;2012:359471. doi: 10.1155/2012/359471


Blood* Liver Kidney
Route of administration Dose (μg/kg/d) Extent of absorption (percentage of dose) Absorption half-life (hrs) C max⁡ (pg/g) AUC
(pg/g × h)
C max⁡ (pg/g) AUC
(pg/g × h)
C max⁡ (pg/g) AUC
(pg/g × h)
Dermal oral 0.97** 60 8 26.7 416.7 3.2 50.3 36.1 563.3
0.97** 90 0.25 16.3 64.0 44.7 93.3 22.0 86.3
4.2** 90 0.25 70.6 277.1 193.5 403.9 95.3 373.7
50 (TDI)** 90 0.25 841.0 3293.3 2300 4800 1140 4433

*Blood concentration in the systemic circulation, not in the portal vein. In case of the oral route of administration, concentration in the portal vein is higher than concentration in the systemic circulation.

**Dermal dose given at once, whereas the oral doses are given in three divided portions.