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. 2011 Feb 3;40(2):158–169. doi: 10.1007/s13280-010-0127-z

Table 1.

Characterizations of the treatment of some key uncertainties in relevant authoritative assessments of human health risks from dioxins and in proposals for human tolerable daily intakes

Assessment Pivotal effects Uncertainty factors (UF) used in deriving risk criteria TDI (TWI)a pg g bw−1 day−1
WHO (1998)b Rhesus monkey endometriosis and neurobehaviour; rat male offspring reproduction and immune effects Mainly pharmacokinetic differences accounted for but not very extensively or explicitly 1–4
EU/SCF (2000)c Approximately as above (but with different body burden estimation and dose conversion) 1–3 (7–21 TWI)
EU/SCF (2001)d Rat male offspring reproduction; rhesus monkey and rat immune effects omitted) 10 overall, unspecified 2 (14 TWI)
USEPA (2000a)e Including carcinogenicity in humans, not a critical endpoint(s); assessment is debatable Various 0.06
UK 2001 (2004)f Rat reproductive development; tumors LOAEL–NOAELi extrapolation 3 × inter-individual variation in toxicokinetics 3.2 (+half order-of-magnitude due to TEFsj and uncertainties in rat kinetics etc.) 2, reproduction/development (8, cancer)
Germany (2002)g
More endpoints, species, dosing ages/periods and dioxin-like agents requested More (empirical) UFs required for pharmacokinetics, LOAEL–NOAEL, dose and animal-human extrapolation, individual variation, additional DLCsk 1
Japan (2004)h Rat female reproductive development 10 LOAEL–NOAEL extrapolation 4

aTDI/TWI tolerable daily or weekly intake, WHO (1998), based on Gehrs et al. Toxicology 122;3(1997):229–40; Gray et al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 146;1(1997a):11–20; Hurst et al. Toxicol Sci 53;2(2000) and 57;2(2000):275–83; Mably et al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 114;1(1992):97–107, 108–17, 118–26; Rier et al. Fundam Appl Toxicol 21;4(1993):433–41; Schantz & Bowman, Neurotoxicol Teratol 11;1(1989):13, see also Gaylor and Aylward, Regulat Toxicol Pharmacol 40;1(2004):9–17, cSCF (2000), SCF (2001), based also on Faqi et al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 150;2(1998):383–92; Ohsako et al. Toxicol Sci 66;2(2002):283-92; note that the lowest-dose effects on sperm count of offspring have been found non-reproducible (Foster et al. Environ Health Perspect 118;4(2010):458–64), eUSEPA 2000a, based on Kociba et al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 46;2(1978):279–303; fSACN and COT (2004), gUBA unpublished 2002; Gies et al. (2007) (see references), see also Hojo et al. Environ Health Perspect 110;3(2002):247–54 on lowest-dose neurobehavioral effects, and sources in Assmuth and Jalonen (2005) on other putative low-dose effects in humans, hSumida et al. Organohalogen Compds 2005: 2537–9, based also on Gray et al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 146;2(1997b):237–44, see also Arima et al. Reproduction 28;4(2009):495–502, iLowest Observed Adverse Effect Level–No Observed Adverse Effect Level, jTCDD (2,3,7.8-Tetrachloro-p-dioxin) Equivalency Factors, Van den Berg et al. (1998) (see references), kDLCs Dioxin-Like Compounds