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. 2011 Oct 4;41(3):292–301. doi: 10.1007/s13280-011-0188-7

Table 3.

Percentage difference value of the enrichment factors (EFDIF) between years 2005 and 2008 for the selected elements in house dust and street sediment

Sample Influenced Material Al As Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo Ni Pb Sb W Zn
Calculated EFDIF values
STO IWR HD 0 −34 −12 69 85 −7 −56 64 73 76 −2 30 90 −44
STO IWR SS 0 −18 −19 −39 −45 −41 −38 53 −41 −32 −14 −38 51 60
IW IWR SS 0 −32 53 53 80 72 63 70 75 −47 50 78 88 85
BUK IWR & BF HD 0 87 −29 −59 72 −48 73 90 −45 70 82 70 −34 −58
BUK IWR & BF SS 0 −35 −14 −3 17 −10 6 −3 28 −22 −33 −12 −33 52
DEL BF HD 0 −45 −57 9 −49 −34 14 2 0 −9 85 −38 −8 −54
DEL BF SS 0 −23 7 4 25 32 31 −3 1 24 −16 −18 67 7
TEH BF HD 0 −40 66 −10 −23 −30 −28 −35 −12 66 −50 −42 37 −50
TEH BF SS 0 −18 −26 13 23 154 37 25 97 49 9 135 123 −15
LAV T? HD 0 −47 −33 4 −1 −17 −37 −50 4 −19 43 −14 104 −31
LAV T? SS 0 −33 −31 −19 50 −40 −13 −12 56 −41 −44 57 63 −37
NC REF HD 0 −50 −12 −23 82 71 −34 −29 −37 69 −48 72 −9 21
NC REF SS 0 −2 66 −17 73 80 −25 −14 76 61 72 83 87 80

IWR ironworks, BF brownfield, T? town?, REF reference point, BUK Bukovžlak sampling point, STO Štore sampling point, LAV Lava sampling point, DEL Delavska street sampling point, TEH Teharska street sampling point, NC Nova Cerkev sampling point, IW ironworks sampling point. Elements with larger EFDIF as the upper threshold value are in bold letters and values below the lower threshold limit are italicised