Selected characteristics and suggestion for use of tests described in vitro diagnosis. ASPI Test: aspirin-sensitive patients identification test, BAT: basophile activation test, CAST: cellular antigen stimulation test, EBCET: exhaled breast condensate eicosanoid testing, Flow-CAST: flowcytometric assay and CAST, HRT: histamine release test, FET functional eicosanoid testing and typing, LTT: lymphocyte transformation test, MNLT: mediators of nasal lavage test, PAT: platelet aggregation test, SIgNT: serum-specific immunoglobulin E against NSAIDs test, SPT: serum-PGF2α test; LT: leukotrienes, PG: prostaglandin, CD: cluster of differentiation, HETE: hydroy-eicosatetraenoic acid; SE: sensitivity, SP: specificity; PPV: positive predictive value, NPV: negative predictive value; n.v.d.: no values described — not suggested, (—) suggested, actually not in use, ? suggested upon further validation, (+) suggested with restrictions, + suggested.