Representative pictures taken from frozen tissue sections of the cerebellum (A, E, I, M), hippocampus (B, F, J, N) and spinal cord (C–D, G–H, K–L, O–P) from post-EAE induced wild type (A–D, I–L) and A2AAR−/− (E–H, M–P) mice were labeled with either CD45 (A–H) or CD4 (I–P) antibodies to detect lymphocyte infiltration in the CNS follow disease induction. Immunoreactivity was detected with HRP anti-rat Ig plus AEC (red) against a hematoxylin stained nuclear background (blue). Scale bars represent 100 μm. (Q) In post-EAE induced wild type and A2AAR−/− mice, six anatomically similar fields per brain [cerebellum (2x), hippocampus (2x), frontal lobe, and brain stem] and 4 fields per spinal cord per mouse were analyzed at 10x magnification for CD4 cell infiltration. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (n ≤ 10). Statistically different infiltrating CD4 cells mean values counted per field between wild type and A2AAR−/− mice in each tissue are displayed (*, p ≤ 0.05; **, p ≤ 0.01).