Figure 3A & B.
Western blot GAPDH load and transfer evaluation. (A) Single MHC I and MHC IIa samples were loaded (1 μg total protein) in quintuplicate (CV = 11% and 4%, respectively). MHC IIa fibers displayed 96% more GAPDH when compared to MHC I fibers. (B) Single MHC I and MHC IIa samples were loaded in triplicate at 1 μg and 2 μg of total protein and assessed for GAPDH content. GAPDH protein content doubled when 2 μg was compared to 1 μg. MHC IIa fibers again displayed 123% and 98% more GAPDH when compared to MHC I fibers at 1 and 2 μg, respectively. MHC = myosin heavy chain. CV = coefficient of variation.