Figure 2.
Evolutionarily optimal allocation reaction norms, describing the dependence of the optimal reproductive investment f on energy availability e, in four environments with different variability and predictability (fig. 1). Dotted lines show the resultant 95% confidence intervals for energy availability. Dashed curves show the survival probabilities resulting from the presented reaction norm at different energy availabilities. Environmental variability λ is larger in the bottom row (c, d) than it is in the top row (a, b), while environmental predictability τ is larger in the right column (b, d) than it is in the left column (a, c): a, λ = 10, τ = 20; b, λ = 10, τ = 50; c, λ = 50, τ = 20; and d, λ = 50, τ = 50. Note that the horizontal axes are scaled logarithmically. Other parameters: e1/2 = 5.