Table 2.
Participants' performance scores on neuropsychological tests at baseline and 4-year follow-upa
Abbreviations: COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association Test, C-F-L version; FH = family history; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; NA = not administered (i.e., the MMSE was not administered at the baseline visit because of the subjects' youth at that visit); pAPOE = p value for the APOE4 status main effect; pFH = p value for the FH main effect; pFH×APOE = p value for the FH × APOE 4 interaction; RAVLT = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; WAIS-III = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition; WRAT-III = Wide Range Achievement Test, third edition.
Baseline values are raw scores statistically adjusted for age except for WRAT-III Reading which represents standard scores that were normed on age-stratified groups. Follow-up values are raw scores statistically adjusted for age and baseline test scores, except for the MMSE, which was only adjusted for age because it was not administered at baseline.