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. 2012 May 14;2012:832097. doi: 10.1155/2012/832097

Table 1.

Characterization of novel PG-based ARs and BPGs with representative fragmentation patterns observed (for abbreviations see text). Sequential losses of alkyl chains are shown together with fragmentation of the headgroup when remaining attached to the glycerol backbone containing a C20:0 chain. Values in brackets indicate loss from the most direct precursor, not from the parent ion; (*) denotes presence of unsaturation or OH-group in isoprenoidal chains, which were not exactly determined by MS2 spectra; **loss of OH-phytanyl chain and hexose from the headgroup; (***) loss of serine plus water from the headgroup with two chains still attached (see Figure 2). Fragments due to losses of alkyl chains are coded: underscored (fragment resulting from loss of an unsaturated chain), bold (fragment resulting from loss of C25 chain) and italics (fragment resulting from loss of a hydroxylated phytanyl chain). Additional losses of H2O occur in hydroxylated alkyl moieties, but are not specified here. All parent ions identified show Δm < 3 ppm; all fragments identified have Δm < 5 ppm. Δm = (m/z measuredm/z calculated)/m/z calculated.

m/z Chain characterization Fragmentation due to losses of chains (loss of) Headgroup attached to glycerol containing a C20:0 chain (loss of) GPG fragment
1st chain 2nd chain 3rd chain 4th chain C3H8O3 PO2 C3H8O3 PO2
PGPG-AR 961.687 C20:0 C20:0 681.374 (280.3) 589.326 (92.0)

PGPG-OH-AR 977.682 OH–C20:0 C20:0 681.374 (296.3) 589.326 (92.0) 527.370 (62.0) 435.324 (92.0) 355.357 (62.0)

OH BPG-1 1538.308 OH–C20:0 C20:0 C20:0 C20:0
1526.214 C20:3 C20:3 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1251.948

diOH BPG-1 1554.303 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C20:0 C20:0 1257.995 (296.3) 961.687 (296.3)
1544.224 *OH–C20:0 *OH–C20:0 *C20:3 *C20:2

BPG-2 1581.199 (NH4 +) *C25:5 *C20:3 *C20:3 *C20:3 401.061

OH BPG-2 1598.308 C25:5 OH–C20:0 C20:0 C20:0 1257.995
961.687 (296.3)
1594.277 C25:5 C20:2 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1253.963
1592.261 C25:5 C20:3 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1251.948
681.374 (296.3)
1582.183 C25:5 C20:4 C20:4 OH–C20:0 697.369
401.061 (296.3)

diOH BPG-2 1624.381 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C25:0 C20:0 1328.073 (296.3) 1031.765 (296.3)
1614.303 C25:5 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1273.990
977.682 (296.3) 681.374 (296.3) 401.061 (280.3) 589.326 (92.0) 527.370 (62.0) 435.324 (92.0) 247.058
1608.256 C25:5 OH–C20:3 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1267.947
681.374 (296.3) 589.326 (92.0) 527.370 (62.0) 435.324 (92.0) 247.058

OH BPG-3 1668.39 *C25:5 *C25:5 *OH–C20:0 *C20:0
OH BPG-3 1652.261 C25:5 C25:5 C20:3 OH–C20:0 1311.948
401.061 (296.3)

diOH BPG-3 1684.381 C25:5 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C25:0 1344.068
1047.760 (296.3) 751.452 (296.3)
1676.318 C25:5 C25:4 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 1336.005
697.369 (296.3) 401.061 (296.3)
1674.303 C25:5 C25:5 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 1333.990
697.369 (296.3) 401.061 (296.3)
1670.271 C25:5 C25:4 OH–C20:3 OH–C20:0 987.630
401.061 (296.3)

Gly-BPG 1776.355 C25:5 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1436.042
1139.734 (296.3) 681.373** (296.3 + 162.1)

Ser-BPG 1701.335 C25:5 OH–C20:0 OH–C20:0 C20:0 1361.022
1064.714 (296.3) 959.671 (105.0)***