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. 2012 May 10;2012:182176. doi: 10.1155/2012/182176

(a) Atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis (atrophic) or goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis (goitrous) in the 34 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism

34 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism (I in Table 1) 34
Atrophic (24) Goitrous (10)
a: Positive TSBAb persisted (Ia) 17 17 0
b: TSBAb disappeared (Ib) 15 b1: recovered (Ib1) 13 5 8
b2: hypothyroid (Ib2) 2 2 0
c: TSBAb → TSAb (Ic) 2 0 2

Numbers of the patients are shown. (I in Table 1)correspond to those in Table 1

Among the 34 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism (Table 1, I), 24 had atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis and 10 had goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis. The 34 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism consisted of 17 patients (a: positive TSBAb persisited), 15 patients (b: TSBAb disappeared), and 2 patients (c: TSBAb → TSAb). All of the 17 (a) patients continued to have positive TSBAb and continued to have hypothyroidism. All of the 17 (a) patients had atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis and none of them had goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis. TSBAb disappeared in the 15 (b) patients: 13 (b1) (87%) of the 15 (b) patients recovered from hypothyroidism and 2 (b2) (13%) of the 15 (b) patients continued to have hypothyroidism. Of the 13 (b1) patients, who recovered from hypothyroidism, 5 had atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis and 8 had goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis. The 2 (b2) patients, who continued to have hypothyroidism, had atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis. Of the 15 (b) patients, in whom TSBAb had disappeared, 7 [5 (b1) + 2 (b2)] had atrophic autoimmune thyroiditis and 8 [8 (b1)] had goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis. Two (c) patients of the 34 TSBAb-positive patients with hypothyroidism who developed TSAb-positive Graves' hyperthyroidism who had goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis.