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. 2012 May 24;7(5):e37718. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037718

Table 1. Bivariable associations between owner/pig characteristics and cysticercosis1 infection in pigs from Eastern Cape Province (South Africa) (N = 256)2.

Risk factor Category Infected (n = 146) Not infected (n = 110) Crude odds ratio (95% CI)4 p-value
n (%)3 n (%)3
Veterinary district5 Umzimukulu 28 (58) 20 (42) 1.17 ( 0.53 , 2.59 ) 0.691
Maluti 17 (49) 18 (51) 0.79 ( 0.34 , 1.85 ) 0.590
Tsolo 32 (71) 13 (29) 2.06 ( 0.89 , 4.78 ) 0.091
Qumbu 29 (73) 11 (28) 2.21 ( 0.92 , 5.29 ) 0.075
Lusikisiki 9 (29) 22 (71) 0.34 ( 0.14 , 0.86 ) 0.022
Mt. Frere 31 (54) 26 (46) Reference
Breed6 Cross bred 18 (40) 27 (60) 0.42 ( 0.22 , 0.83 ) 0.012
Other 2 (67) 1 (33) 1.27 ( 0.08 , 20.97 ) 0.868
Hut pig 123 (61) 78 (39) Reference
Latrine7 Absent 82 (66) 42 (34) 2.08 ( 1.24 , 3.49 ) 0.006
Present 63 (48) 67 (52) Reference
Husbandry system8 Confined 23 (56) 18 (44) 0.95 ( 0.48 , 1.85 ) 0.870
Free-ranging/semi-intensive 123 (57) 91 (43) Reference
Measles given as a main problem with pig rearing9 Yes 57 (52) 53 (48) 0.67 ( 0.4 , 1.13 ) 0.131
No 88 (62) 55 (38) Reference
Source of drinking water10 Tap water 27 (54) 23 (46) 0.86 ( 0.45 , 1.63 ) 0.635
Natural sources or boreholes 118 (58) 86 (42) Reference
Consumption of pork at home11 Yes 135 (56) 104 (44) Reference 0.500
No 6 (67) 3 (33) 1.54 ( 0.44 , 5.42 )
Meat inspected by a meat inspector12 Yes 0 (0) 0 (0) § -
No 145 (57) 109 (43) Reference
Pigs slaughtered at home13 Yes 142 (57) 109 (43) Reference
No 3 (100) 0 (0) § -

- not determined, due to cells with zero counts.


Determined using two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (B158/B60 Ag-ELISA [18] and HP10 Ag-ELISA [19][20]). Infection was defined as a positive result on either of these two ELISA tests.


Analyses were performed using the survey logistic procedure of the SAS/STAT® software to adjust for clusters of pigs within one owner.


(%) refers to row percentages.


CI = Confidence interval.


Type 3 wald statistic had a p-value of 0.003.


Type 3 wald statistic had a p-value of 0.041. Had missing values for n = 7. Other includes other pure bred breeds.


Had missing values for n = 2.


Had missing values for n = 1.


Had missing values for n = 3. Measles are cysts, from the larvae of Taenia solium, observed in pig meat.


Had missing values for n = 2.


Had missing values for n = 8.


Had missing values for n = 2.


Had missing values for n = 2.

Note: no significant associations (p≥0.10) were found between porcine infection and owner or household variables (sex, age, education, years of experience managing pigs, keeping pigs for home consumption), or with awareness questions (knowing what cysts in pork were, knowing how pigs acquired tapeworm, knowing how humans were infected with tapeworm or how to recognize infection, or had heard of persons in the village suffering with epilepsy, headache, or madness).