Time course of flinching behavior
(Top) and concurrent assessment of lumbar spinal
glutamate (Middle), and PGs E2 (Bottom)
release measured in unanesthetized rats before and after the injection
of formalin (5%/50 μl) into the left hind paw of the rat at
time = 0. At −10 min, the rats received an intrathecal (IT)
injection of saline (vehicle: n = 4) or morphine
(10 μg; n = 7). Release was assessed by using a
chronically implanted loop dialysis probe (27), and the intrathecal
injection was through a chronic intrathecal catheter. Each line
presents the mean of four and seven rats, respectively. Error bars
deleted for clarity. ∗, P < 0.05 versus
formalin; #, P < 0.05 vs. IT saline.