Table 4.
Other studies on marine n−3 PUFA and atrial fibrillation.
Study population | n | Study design | Exposure | Duration of exposure | Outcome | Follow-up | Monitoring AF events | Main results | |
Biscione et al. (2005), Italy | Patients with dual-chamber pacemakers | 40 | Open-label serial intervention with n−3 PUFA | 1 g n−3 PUFA/day | 4 months | Number of episodes and burden of atrial tachyarrhythmia | n/a | Open-label serial intervention with n−3 PUFA and observation by pacemaker interrogation before treatment, after 4 months of treatment, and after 4 months of withdrawal | Reduction in number of episodes and burden of atrial tachyarrhythmia for the n−3 treatment period, compared to before and after. Pre-treatment period number of episodes 444 ± 1161 and the burden 3.89% of time; in the n−3 treatment period respectively 181 ± 436 (−59%, p = 0.037), and 1.06% (−67%, p = 0.029). After n−3 withdrawal, the episodes of atrial tachyarrhythmia increased to 552 ± 1717 (p = 0.065) and the burden to 2.69% (p = 0.003) |
Patel et al. (2009), US | Comparison of patients taking fish oil supplements 1 month prior to ablation and during follow-up period vs. controls | 258 | Nested case–control study | ≥0.665 g of fish oil | n/a | Recurrence of AF | Up to 60 months | Rhythm transmission three times daily first 5 months. 24-h Holter monitoring at 3, 6, 9, 12 months, and every 6 months hereafter. | Patients taking fish oil supplements had less early recurrence of AF within 8 weeks (27 vs. 44%, p < 0.001) as well as less late recurrence of AF after 8 weeks (23 vs. 32%, p < 0.003) |
Kumar et al. (2011b), Australia | Patients undergoing pulmonary vein isolation | 36 | Unblinded, randomized study | 1.8 g n−3 PUFA/day | ≥30 days prior to procedure | Parameters of left atrial electrophysiology | None | n/a | The n−3 group exhibited prolonged pulmonary venous and left atrial effective refractory periods and decreased susceptibility to initiation AF from within the pulmonary veins |
Kumar et al. (2011a), Australia | Patients undergoing electrophysiological study for supraventricular arrhythmias | 61 | Single-blinded RCT | 1.8 g n−3 PUFA/day | ≥30 days before procedure | Parameters of atrial electrophysiology | None | n/a | Chronic fish oil supplementation prolonged atrial refractoriness and reduced vulnerability to inducible AF |
Skuladottir et al. (2011), Iceland | Patients from the RCT by Heidarsdottir undergoing CABG and who were randomized to n−3 PUFA or placebo 5–7 days prior to surgery | 125 | Observational study based on data from RCT | Plasma content of n−3 and n−6 fatty acids | n/a | Post-operative AF ≥ 5 min | None | Continuous ECG | Results suggestive of a U-curved relationship between quartiles of plasma n−3 PUFA and post-operative AF with the lowest incidence in the second quartile in a population with high background intake. Arachidonic acid was associated with a reduced risk of post-operative AF |
AF, atrial fibrillation; n−3 PUFA, marine n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; RCT, randomized controlled trial; ECG, electrocardiogram; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery.