Figure 9. Series of diagrams explaining origin of the specimen shown in Figure 8B.
A, sauropod footprint impressed into substrate; the footprint, a natural mould (concave epirelief) is bordered by a raised rim of displaced sediment. B, the footprint mould lies at the centre of a larger depression, apparently a zone of subsidence or down-warping created by the impact of the track-maker’s foot. C, the area is buried by an influx of sediment which fills the footprint mould to form the natural cast. D, much later, after lithification, the two layers of rock are separated by natural breakage and erosion. E, the upper layer is overturned by waves to expose its convex lower surface with the footprint cast surrounded by a gutter. Smaller features in Figure 8B (manus print and ripple-marks) are omitted for the sake of clarity.