Average external work by the peripheral arterial disease patients’ unaffected and affected legs during pain-free and pain walking as well as the healthy controls’ legs normalized to body mass. Primary differences occurred with the positive work output in terminal double support for both the unaffected and affected limbs. The onset of pain led to further decreased work output for the affected limb.
UL, unaffected limb; AL, affected limb; PWDS1, positive work initial double support; NWDS1, negative work initial double support; PWSS, positive work single support; NWSS, negative work single support; PWDS2, positive work terminal double support; NWDS2, negative work terminal double support; TotPW, total positive work through entire stance; TotNW, total negative work through entire stance.
Initial double support corresponds to early stance loading. Terminal double support corresponds to push-off.
* Significant vs healthy control, p<0.05
†Significant pain-free vs pain state, p<0.05