Figure 6.
Left hemisphere activations that were sensitive to changes in response bias are plotted in blue (current study). MNI coordinates used to target rTMS in Meister et al. (2007; listed in their Table 1) are plotted as 2 mm radius spheres in yellow. Motor ROIs from Pulvermüller et al. (2006) are plotted in red as 3 mm radius spheres around the MNI peak activation foci (8 mm radius ROIs were used in the original study). Depth is represented faithfully – activations nearest to the displayed cortical surface are increasingly bold in color, while activations farthest from the displayed surface are increasingly transparent. Targets in Meister et al. were peak activations from an fMRI localizer experiment involving perception of auditory speech. Disruptive stimulation of these targets resulted in a slight decrement in syllable identification performance. The motor ROIs from Pulvermüller et al. were identified on the basis of activation to lip and tongue movements in a motor localizer experiment. The motor somatotopy established therein is also shown (lip foci are circled in orange and tongue foci are circled in green). The two posterior foci (one in the lip region and one in the tongue region) were chosen to target TMS stimulation in D’Ausilio et al. (2009), which demonstrated that excitatory stimulation to lip and tongue motor cortex selectively facilitated identification of phonemes relying on those articulators.