Figure 1.
Maps of the Arabian Sea showing the cruise transect and environmental conditions during the SW monsoon. (A) CD148 cruise transect and stations, (B) Surface currents during August at the SW monsoon peak. Regions of intense seasonal upwelling (dark grey), weak sporadic upwelling (hatched) SC = Somali Current, MC = Monsoon Current, SEC = Southern Equatorial Current (modified from [50]), (C) Average sea-surface temperature for the SW Monsoon in July 2005 (adapted from [54]), (D) Average sea-surface salinity for the SW Monsoon in July 2005 (adapted from [55]), (E) Average primary productivity during the SW monsoon in July - September 1979 (adapted from Coastal Zone Colour Scanner composite images of the region, NASA Earth-Sun System Division, Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)).