Administration of antrum mucosal protein peptide (AMP-p) reduces oral mucositis (OM) in three hamster models. OM was induced by radiation directed at the left buccal pouch of LVG Syrian Golden hamsters. (A and B) A single dose of radiation was given on Day 0. (C and D) Fractionated radiation was given on Days 0 to 3 and 7 to 10. (E and F) Fractionated radiation was given on Days 0 to 3 and Days 6 to 9, together with cisplatin on Days 0 and 6. AMP-p (40 mg/kg) or vehicle (saline solution) was administered subcutaneously on Days −5 to 15, excluding Day 0 (A and B); Days −5 to −1, Days 4 to 6, and Days 11 to 15 (C and D); or Days −5 to −1, Day 4, and Day 5 (E and F). Mucositis scores are presented in A, C, and E; the extent of mucosal ulceration is compared in B, D, and F A score of 3, shown as dotted lines on the graphs, indicates the development of mucosal ulceration that correlates with significant human OM. Each value is the mean ± standard error for 8 to 10 animals.