Figure 4.
APP/hAβ/PS1 animals display anxiety-like phenotypes in conditioned fear testing. (A) When placed back in the context where they were shocked (Context), APP/hAβ/PS1 animals displayed higher levels of freezing (p<0.05). In response to the sound that was paired with the shock (Cue), APP/hAβ/PS1 did not have higher rates of freezing compared to wildtype animals. (B) Both wildtype (white bars) and APP/hAβ/PS1 (black bars) animals had very low freezing rates before being shocked in the conditioned fear box (Pre-Shock). After receiving sound-shock pairings, in a novel context but before the sound was presented (Post-Shock), APP/hAβ/PS1 animals displayed higher freezing rates (p<0.05).