Figure 5. DN1s release glutamate to inhibit light avoidance.
For all RNAi experiments UAS-dcr-2 was co-expressed to improve efficacy. The Gal4 control lines shown also express UAS-dcr-2. Statistical comparisons are as stated below. *p<0.05
(A–C) Larval light avoidance was measured as in Fig 2.
(A) Expression of a VGlut-RNAi transgene (GD2574) in all clock neurons (tim > VGlutRNAi increased light avoidance at 150lux compared to control larvae. These data are significantly different (ANOVA p<0.005). Tukey's post-hoc comparison gives a significant difference only between tim > VGlutRNAi and UAS-VGlutRNAi / +. However, light avoidance in tim > VGlutRNAi is higher than tim > + by t-test (p<0.05) and tim > VGlutRNAi larvae also lose circadian rhythms in light avoidance (Fig S4A).
(B) Expression of Glutamate decarboxylase (UAS-Gad1) in DN1s (DN1 > Gad1) significantly increased light avoidance at 150lux compared to UAS-Gad1 / + control larvae (Gad1 / +, t-test p<0.05). See also Fig S4B.
(C) A GluCl-RNAi transgene expressed in LNvs (Pdf > GluClRNAi) significantly increased light avoidance at 150lux compared to control larvae (ANOVA p<0.05). An mGluRA-RNAi transgene expressed in LNvs (Pdf > mGluRARNAi) had no effect on light avoidance compared to controls (ANOVA). See also Fig S4C.
(D) Light avoidance was assayed in DD at 150lux as in Fig 4. Light avoidance is higher at CT24 than CT12 in control larvae (UAS-GluClRNAi / +, which also contain a UAS-dcr-2 transgene, t-test p<0.05). No rhythms in light avoidance were detectable when GluCl-RNAi was expressed in LNvs (Pdf > GluClRNAi, ANOVA). Rhythmic light avoidance was still detectable in larvae expressing mGluRA-RNAi in LNvs (Pdf > mGluRARNAi, ANOVA p<0.05). By 2 Way ANOVA comparison of CT12 and 24 time points, Pdf > GluClRNAi is different to control (F1,22=9.17, p<0.01) whilst Pdf > mGluRARNAi is not (F1,24=0.00, p=0.9547)
(E) Glutamate-mediated inhibition of ACh-stimulated Ca2+ transients in dissociated larval LNvs. Representative relative fluorescence (F/Fo) recordings are shown from dissociated larval LNvs expressing UAS-GCaMP1.6. Solution changes, including neurotransmitter applications, are indicated by black bars. Lowering extracellular Cl− to 13.6mM completely relieved glutamate-dependent inhibition. Glutamate completely blocked ACh-stimulated transients when physiological Cl− was restored.
(F) A 2min incubation of a larval LNv with 500nM ivermectin irreversibly blocks subsequent ACh-induced Ca2+ transients.