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. 2012 May 29;10:51. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-10-51

Table 3.

Example of the REMARK profile illustrated using data from a study of expression of epithelial membrane protein-2 in patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma [158].

a) Patients, treatment and variables
136 Patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma assessed for eligibility, 37 excluded (33 no informative immune histochemistry, 4 without clinical information)
99 Patients included, stages IA to IVB
Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded endometrial tissue samples, Department of Pathology, UCLA Los Angeles, USA

Marker (and how was the marker handled in analysis?) M = epithelial membrane protein-2
Immunoreactive score obtained by multiplying subscores for intensity (0 to 3+) and distribution of immunoreactivity (0 to 4+) grouped as negative (score 0), weak (1 to 3) or moderate-to-strong (4 to 12)
Outcomes: DFS (97 patients, 42 events), OS (99 patients, 32 events)
Further variables: v1 = age, v2 = ER, v3 = PR, v4 = vascular invasion, v5 = stage, v6 = histology, v7 = grade

b) Statistical analyses of survival outcomes

Aim Patients Events Patients Events Variables considered Results/remarks

A1: Univariable 97 42 99 32 M, v1-v7 Figure 3, Figure 4, Table 2, Table 3
DFS: except v1 all significant
OS: all significant
A2: Multivariable 97 42 99 32 DFS: M, v2-v7 Table 4, Table 5
OS: M, v1-v7 In multivariable analysis: all significant in A1, then stepwise selection
Variables in final models: DFS: M, v5, v6; OS: v4, v6, v7 (M is not included)

DFS: disease-free survival; ER: estrogen receptor; M: epithelial protein; PR: progesterone receptor; OS: overall survival.