Olfactory learning and memory in normal and
mutant flies. (A) Memory retention in wild-type (Can-S)
flies or dunceM11 mutants. Each point represents the
average avoidance responses of about 1200 individuals. The genetic
backgrounds of each strain were heterogeneous and equilibrated, so the
difference between mean scores represents the average effect of the
dunceM11 mutation in homozygotes (see text). (Data from
ref. 52.) (B) Learning in wild-type (Can-S),
dunceM11 (dncM11) or
rutabaga1 (rut1) single-gene
mutants and dunceM11 rutabaga1 (dnc,
rut) double-mutants. The learning defect in the double mutant
is more severe than either single mutant, revealing a quantitative,
polygenic basis for olfactory learning. (Data from ref. 38.)