Figure 5. Insulin release induced by different concentrations of glucose.
a. Insulin release induced by different concentrations of glucose (6 mM, n=8, * p<0.001; 25 mM, n=9, *p<0.001) b. Insulin release induced by different concentrations of glucose is inhibited by HC030031 (100 µM) (6 mM, n=4, * p<0.001; 25 mM, n=7, * p<0.001, as compared to control). c. Insulin release induced by AITC (200 µM) in different concentrations of glucose is inhibited by HC030031 (100 µM) (6 mM, AITC, n=4, * p<0.01, AITC+HC030031, n=4, ** p<0.001; 25 mM, AITC, n=4, * p=0.023, AITC+HC030031, n=4, ** p<0.01).