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. 2012 May 31;7(5):e37661. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037661

Table 1. Definition of basic parameters.

Symbol Definition and explanation Dimension
ε Host-encounter rate: rate at which a single host-seeking mosquito encounters agiven single hosts. One
εh, εc Human and cattle encounter rate respectively. Per Time
ϕh,u Probability that a mosquito which attacks an unprotected human will successfullyfeed upon that host. One
ϕh,p Probability that a mosquito which attacks protected human will successfully feed upon that host. One
γh,p, γh,u, γc represent probability of encountering protected, unprotected human and cattle respectively.
Nh, Nh,p, Nh,u Number of people, protected and unprotected Human
Nc Number of cattle Animal
Ch Demographic or crude coverage: Proportion of people using a personal protectionmeasure as estimated in a standardized malaria indicator surveys. One
µh,u Mortality probability upon attacking an unprotected human. One
µh,p Mortality probability upon attacking an protected human One
µc Mortality probability upon attacking a cattle One
πi The proportion of normal exposure to mosquito bites upon humans lacking LLINs,which occurs indoors at times when nets would normally be in use. One
π The maximum proportion of human exposure to mosquitoes that can bedirectly prevented through personal protection by using a given intervention One
Pov The survival probabilities during host seeking and ovipisition site-seekingassumed to be equal 1/exp(Time)

The subscripts used are given in bracket; human (h), protected (p), unprotected (u), cattle (c), a baseline condition with no personal protection coverage (0), intervention package scenarios consisting of a specific coverage (Ω).