Table 2. Definitions of the derived parameters.
Symbol | Definition and explanation | Units |
Ch,p | Protective coverage | One |
ac | Mean availability of individual cow for attack: rate at which a single mosquitoencounters and then attacks a cow or pseudo-host. | Per time per animal |
ah | Mean availability of individual human for attack: rate at which a single mosquitoencounters and then attacks a human or pseudo-host. | Per time per human |
ah,p | Availability of individual protected human | Per time per protected human |
ah,u | Availability of individual unprotected human | Per time per unprotected human |
A, Ah, Ac | Total availability of all hosts, all humans and all cattle, respectively: rate at which asingle mosquito encounters, attacks upon these host sets | Per time |
z, zh, zc | Mean availability of blood from all hosts, all humans and all cattle, respectively: rate at whicha single mosquito encounters, attacks and successfully feeds upon these host sets. | Per time |
Z, Zh, Zc | Total availability of blood from all hosts, all humans and all cattle, respectively: rate at whicha single mosquito encounters, attacks and successfully feeds upon these host sets. | Per time |
Qh | Human blood index: the proportion of all blood meals from all hosts which are obtained from humans. | One |
Qh,0 | The baseline human blood index in the absence of any protection measure | One |
Pγ | Probability of surviving host attack per feeding cycle | One |
η0 | Oviposition site-seeking interval; number of days a mosquito takes to findan oviposition site once it starts searching for it | Time |
ηv | Host seeking interval: number of days a mosquito takes to find and attack a vertebrate host | Time |
Pf | The survival rate per feeding cycle | Per time |
f | Feeding cycle length: measured as the number of days it takes a singlemosquito to get from one blood feed to the next. | Time |
E | Emergence rate of mosquito vector | Per time |
βh | The total number of infectious bites on all humans | One |
β | The total number of sporozoite infected bites in all hosts per mosquito lifetime | One |
EIR | Entomological inoculation rate (mean number of infectious bites thatan average individual human receives per year). | Per time |
EIRh,Ω | absolute EIR for an average community member in a given intervention scenario | Per time |
EIRh,u | EIR for non-users | Per time |
ψh,u | The immediately relative exposure of non-users benefiting only from communal protection | One |
g | Gestation interval: number of days a mosquito takes to digest a blood mealand return to searching for oviposition site. | Time |
Pg | Combined probability that a vector survives gestation | One |
x | Mosquito age | Time |
Sx | The sporozoite infection prevalence of mosquitoes at each age | One |
χ | Human infectiousness to mosquitoes: probability of a vector becoming infected per human bite. | One |
ρ | Overall proportion of personal protection against mosquito bites provide by using a givenprotective measure. | One |
ψ↑h,u,Ω | The immediate impact on vector population assuming a reduction of human infectivity. | One |
Pf x/f | Estimation of daily cycle and cumulative survival of mosquitoes up to each age (x). | One |
The subscripts used are given in bracket; human (h), protected (p), unprotected (u), animals (c), a baseline condition with no personal protection coverage (0), intevention package scenarios consisting of a specific coverage (Ω).