Fig. 2.
FlAsH-PALM imaging of infectious HIV-1 IN in fixed cells. (A) Widefield image. (B) Superresolution reconstruction of the same area computed from 159,229 positions in 20,000 frames. (C) Histograms of spot positions projected along three line segments crossing the NE [dotted segments in (B); positions were taken from 300 nm wide rectangles centered on these segments]. The approximate FWHM is indicated. (D) FlAsH-IN clusters. Detected positions in this area are shown as small black stars; positions in automatically defined clusters are shown by colored stars and indicated by arrows. (E–G) Resolution and IN complex size in the nucleus vs. cytoplasm. (E, H) 2D histograms of superposed clusters in the nucleus (left) and cytoplasm (right). (F, H) Histograms of position coordinates relative to the cluster mass center (solid lines: x, dashed lines: y, red: nucleus, blue: cytoplasm). (E, F) Clusters containing 10 or fewer detected positions for estimate of resolution. (G, H) Superposition of all clusters, irrespective of detection counts.