(A) Three-dimensional structures of
TBP (14–16) (Upper Left), TBP complexed with the TATA
element (17–19) (Upper Right), C terminal or core TFIIB
(cTFIIB)–TBP–TATA element ternary complex (20) (Lower
Left), and TFIIA–TBP–TATA element ternary complex (21, 22)
(Lower Right). The proteins are depicted as ribbon
drawings, with their N and C termini labeled when visible. The DNA is
shown as a stick figure, with hypothetical, linear, B-form extensions
at both ends. The transcription start site of the AdMLP is labeled with
+1. TBP, and the TBP–DNA and cTFIIB–TBP–DNA complexes are shown from
the same vantage point downstream of the transcription start site. The
TFIIA–TBP–DNA complex is viewed from upstream of the TATA element,
looking toward the transcription start site. Molecules are color coded
as follows: red, cTFIIB first repeat; magenta, cTFIIB second repeat;
light blue, TBP N terminus and first repeat; dark blue, TBP second
repeat; green, TFIIA small subunit; yellow, TFIIA large subunit; and
gray, DNA. When TBP recognizes the minor groove of the TATA element,
the DNA is kinked and unwound to present the minor groove edges of the
bases to the underside of the molecular saddle. On cTFIIB or TFIIA
binding to the TBP-DNA complex there is essentially no change in the
structure of the binary complex. (B) Structural details of
TFIIB. The relative orientation of the cTFIIB’s two domains in the
free and bound form is completely different. The bound and free cTFIIBs
are drawn with their first domains aligned. The N and C termini of the
protein fragments used in the structural studies are labeled, and the
α-helices of each cTFIIB domain are colored in order red, green,
blue, yellow, and magenta. A helix present only in the second domain of
cTFIIB in the ternary complex is colored light blue. Structure of
cTFIIB in the cTFIIB–TBP–TATA element ternary complex (20)
(Left). Structure of free cTFIIB (23)
(Center). Structure of the N-terminal, Zn2+
binding region of TFIIB (24) (Right). The Zn atom is
colored in red. The 60 residues between the C terminus of the
Zn2+ binding domain and the N terminus of cTFIIB are
flexible and have not been visualized in high-resolution structural