Kap114, Tbp1, and Sua7 mislocalize in the E3 mutant mms21-11. WT, Δsiz1, Δnfi1, mms21-11, or Δcst9 cells containing the plasmids pRS316–KAP114–GFP, YCpGAL–GST–GFP–TBP1, or YCpGAL–GST–GFP–SUA7 were cultured at 30°C in liquid media. Strains expressing KAP114–GFP were grown in medium containing 2% glucose, whereas cells transformed with plasmids coding for GST–GFP fusions with Tbp1 and Sua7 were cultured in medium containing 2% raffinose and were then grown in 2% galactose for 2 h. The localization of the GFP fusion proteins was examined by direct fluorescence microscopy. Scale bar, 5 μm.