Figure 8.
There is a very small number of MCM2+/Dcx+ cells in the ventral-lateral SVZ of the adult human brain. (A-C) MCM2/Dcx double-labeling combined with 3-D reconstructions showing 2 Dcx+ cells in the ventral-lateral SVZ expressing MCM2 (arrows). (D1-F2) Confocal Z sectioning was performed at 0.6-μm intervals using PlanApo 60× oil-immersion (NA = 1.42) objectives. Photomicrographs depict three confocal images in the Z-dimension showing two MCM2+/Dcx+ cells (arrows) and one MCM2+ cell (arrowhead). (G-J) Dcx+ cells do not express MCM2 or Ki67 in the RMS (arrows). Scale bars represent 1 mm (A); 100 μm (in B applies to B and G) and 20 μm (in F2 applies to C-F2 and H-J).