Serum-starved HSCs were pretreated w/wt the PPARγ antagonist PD68235 (PD) (20 μM) for 30 min prior to the exposure to AGEs (100 μg/ml), or curcumin (20 μM), or both, in serum-depleted media with PGJ2 (5 μM) for additional 24 hr. Total RNA and whole cell extracts were prepared. (A). real-time PCR assays. Values were presented as mRNA fold changes (mean ± s. d., n=3). *p<0.05 vs. cells with no treatment (the 1st column); **p<0.05 vs. cells treated with AGEs alone (the 2nd column); ‡p<0.05 vs. cells treated with both AGEs and curcumin (the 3rd column). (B) Western blotting analyses. β-tubulin was used as an internal control for equal loading. Representatives were shown from three independent experiments. Italic numbers beneath blots were fold changes (mean ± s. d., n=3) in the densities of the bands compared with the control without treatment in the blot, after normalization with the internal invariable control.