Effect of the selective NR2A and NR2B antagonists on D1-mediated modification of dendritic spine morphology.
A, diagram showing relative average spine head widths (Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric analysis of variance; §, p < 0.0005; SKF38393 (SKF) versus control; ***, p < 0.0001; SKF38393+NVP-AAM077 versus control; **, p < 0.01; SKF38393+NVP-AAM077 versus SKF38393; #, p < 0.005 SKF38393+ifenprodil versus SKF38393; n > 320 spines from eight different neurons for each group). B, cumulative frequency plots of spine head width of medium spiny neurons from control, SKF38393, SKF38393+NVP-AAM077 (NVP), or SKF38393+ifenprodil-treated (IFP) rats. C, representative images show dendrites of medium spiny neurons from control or treated rats.