Concentration-dependent gene silencing effects of DNA-seed-containing chiRNA for seed-matched targets. Both class I chiRNAs and functional class II chiRNAs were included. The gene silencing effects were examined using HeLa cells transfected with psiCHECK-sm plasmids containing various seed-matched targets. The relative luciferase (luc) activity in transfected HeLa cells was determined using a dual luciferase assay. (A) chiRNA psiCHECK-sm plasmid structures and gene silencing mechanism. Three tandem repeats of seed-matched target sequences were introduced into the region corresponding to the 3′UTR of the luciferase mRNA. In (B–R), the effects of chiRNAs transfection on seed-matched targets are shown. (B–L) class I chiRNAs, (M–R) class II chiRNAs, (B) chiLuc-309, (C) chiVIM-812, (D) chiGRK4-934, (E) chiOct-821, (F) chiLuc-774, (G) chiVIM-1128, (H) chiLuc2-153, (I) chiVIM-596, (J) chiOct-797, (K) chiVIM-270, (L) chiLuc-36, (M) chiGRK4-189, (N) chiLuc-1120, (O) chiLuc-49, (P) chiLuc-1048, (Q) chiLuc-1063, (R) chiLuc-1430. chiRNA sequences and structures are shown in Figure 3B.