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. 2012 Jun 1;86(6):925–930. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2012.11-0164

Table 3.

Final model for conditional logistic regression on anemia matched for day of presentation on Pemba Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania*

Predictor Univariate regressions (n = 120 cases and 556 controls) 95% CI Multivariate model 1 (n = 114 cases and 527 controls) Multivariate model 2 (n = 49 cases and 243 controls)
No. cases (%) No, controls (%) Univariate OR (P) 95% CI Multivariate OR (P) 95% CI Multivariate OR (P) 95% CI
Age, months
 1–6 15 (12.5) 80 (14.3) Reference Reference Reference
 7–12 68 (56.6) 217 (39) 2.36 (0.003) 1.28–4.38 1.82 (0.060) 0.98–3.41 0.36 (0.284) 0.54–2.35
 ≥ 13 37 (30.8) 259 (45.5) 0.94 (0.846) 0.49–1.18 0.88 (0.699) 0.46–1.68 0.11 (0.011) 0.21–0.61
 M 65 (54.1) 274 (49.2) Reference Reference Reference
 F 55 (45.8) 282 (50.8) 0.69 (0.037) 0.49–0.98 0.82 (0.351) 0.55–1.24 0.58 (0.381) 0.17–1.97
Household income ($/month)
 < 10 48 (40) 201 (36.1) Reference Reference Reference
 ≥ 10 72 (60) 355 (63.9) 0.55 (0.003) 0.37–0.82 0.53 (0.006) 0.38–0.84 0.61 (0.469) 0.15–2.31
Malaria at previous visit
 No 74 (64.9) 404 (76.6) Reference Reference
 Yes 40 (35.1) 123 (23.4) 1.89 (0.003) 1.23–2.87 1.78 (0.014) 1.12–2.81
Parasite density at previous visit (log10/μL) 2.1 (SD 1.7) 1.6 (SD 1.7) 1.22 (< 0.001) 1.09–1.37 1.75 (0.031) 1.05–2.91
Parasite density at current visit (log10/μL) 2.1 (SD 1.9) 1.5 (SD 1.8) 1.29 (< 0.001) 1.15–1.45 0.95 (0.731) 0.70–1.29
Pneumonia at visit prior to current visit
 No 107 (93.8) 511 (96.4) Reference Reference
 Yes 7 (6.2) 19 (3.6) 14.07 (0.001) 2.90–68.15 11.63 (0.005) 2.07–65.21
Gametocytes at current visit
 No 114 (95) 550 (98.9) Reference Reference Reference
 Yes 6 (5) 6 (1.1) 6.13 (0.001) 2.04–18.43 6.24 (0.005) 1.72–22.58 11.07 (0.030) 1.27–96.54
Information on MOI only available in a limited data set
MOI at current visit
 1 30 (38.9) 128 (42.1) Reference Reference
 2 26 (33.7) 76 (25) 2.66 (0.005) 1.35–5.25 7.05 (0.036) 1.14–43.57
 3 17 (22.0) 46 (15.1) 2.00 (0.114) 0.85–4.68 2.00 (0.328) 0.50–7.90
 ≥ 4 4 (5.1) 54 (17.7) 0.82 (0.627) 0.38–1.79 0.06 (0.012) 0.01–0.55
MOI at prior visit§
 1 29 (39.1) 175 (40.5) Reference Reference
 2 22 (29.7) 116 (26.8) 1.39 (0.279) 0.77–2.52 3.04 (0.134) 0.71–13.02
 3 14 (18.9) 62 (14.3) 1.84 (0.115) 0.86–3.93 3.58 (0.256) 0.40–32.32
 ≥ 4 9 (12.1`) 79 (18.2) 0.60 (0.250) 0.24–1.44 0.24 (0.129) 0.04–1.51

OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; MOI = multiplicity of infection.

As per definition 3: ≥ 10 parasites/μL plus history of fever or documented fever. Information on previous malaria was not available for the time window –5 to –21 days in 10 cases and 84 controls.

Information on MOI at current visit (–5 to –21 days) was not available in 43 cases and 252 controls. These are microscopy-negative cases and microscopy-positive cases in which the polymerase chain reaction did not yield a result.


Information on MOI at previous visit (–5 to –21 days) was not available in 46 cases and 124 controls. These are microscopy-negative cases and microscopy-positive cases in which the polymerase chain reaction did not yield a result.