PFE0565w/GFP-trafficking studies confirm that the PFE0565w protein is only present in salivary gland sporozoites. The PFE0565w protein is not present in the mixed erythrocytic stages (ES, culture representing a mixture of rings, trophozoites, and schizonts), mixed gametocytes (culture representing a mixture of stage I–V gametocytes), zygotes, ookinetes, oocyst sporozoites, and hemolymph sporozoites. The PFE0565w protein is present in salivary gland sporozoites. 3D7HT-GFP (3D7-GFP) constitutively expressing parasites were used as a positive control24 and wild-type (WT) parasites were used as a negative control. This figure is a representative image from two biological replicates (one with each independent clone created). Yellow arrowheads depict the presence of parasites that lack GFP expression (merged images). GFP = green fluorescent protein and nuclear stain = DAPI. The black scale bar in the lower right represents all of the images (except for the oocyst sporozoite stage) and is 10 μm. The white scale bar for the oocysts is 40 μm.