ATP is primarily produced by the ASCT/SCoAS cycle and oxidative phosphorylation in the procyclic cells.
A, oligomycin sensitivity of the EATRO1125.T7T, Δach, and Δasct cell lines (5 × 105 cells/ml) incubated in SDM79 medium. The drug concentration required to kill all cells (LD:100) is plotted over the incubation time with the drug. A logarithmic scale is used for the drug concentration, and the mean ± S.D. (n = 3) is presented. B–D, growth curves of the RNAiATPϵ-F1β, Δach/RNAiATPϵ-F1β, and Δasct/RNAiATPϵ-F1β cell lines incubated in the presence (.i; ○) or in the absence (.ni; ●) of tetracycline. Cells were maintained in the exponential growth phase (between 106 and 107 cells/ml) by dilution, and cumulative cell numbers are calculated. The insets show Western blot controls of ATPϵ-F1β expression in the respective cell lines upon tetracycline induction. Anti-hsp60 was used as an internal reference.