Por1p and Om14p interact irrespective of Om45p. Co-IPs were performed with mt lysates of the deletion strains Δom45 OM14-HA (A), Δom14 OM45-cMyc (B), and Δpor1 OM14-HA OM45-cMyc (C) in combination with the indicated immobilized antibodies against Por1p, HA-, or cMyc-tag, respectively. Proteins of the final eluates and an aliquot of the corresponding supernatant of lysed mt (S) were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE and transferred onto a PVDF membrane prior to immunodetection with specific antibodies against Por1p, Om14p-HA, and Om45p-cMyc. As controls, antibodies against the OM proteins Tom22p and Tom40p and the IM protein Cox2p were used.