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. 2012 Mar 27;287(21):17777–17788. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.354274


Genes that were differentially expressed in enterocytes of WT and IE-Cpr-null mice

Genes with significantly different expression (p ≤ 0.01), and with at least a 75% difference between the IE-Cpr-null and WT mice (i.e. with fold change ≥1.75 or ≤0.57), in at least one probe set, are shown. For genes represented by multiple probe sets, the results for all probe sets are included, although all probe sets may not meet the selection criteria. For each entry, a reference sequence transcript identification number (RefSeq transcript ID) is given, along with the gene symbol and gene name (according to Affymetrix). The genes selected are grouped according to functional categories (defined in GenMAPP or UniProt or through a literature search).

Gene symbol Ref Seq transcript ID Fold change (IE-Cpr-null/WT) Gene name
    Adh4 NM_011996 0.53 Alcohol dehydrogenase 4
    Akr1c14 NM_134072 0.47 Aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C14
    Cyp1a1 NM_001136059 3.8 Cytochrome P450 1a1
    Cyp1a2 NM_009993 44 Cytochrome P450 1a2
    Cyp51 NM_020010 2.4/1.9/1.0 Cytochrome P450 51
    Por NM_008898 0.56 Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase

Lipid metabolism
    Acer1 NM_175731 2.4 Alkaline ceramidase 1
    Fdft1 NM_010191 1.9/1.7 Farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl transferase 1
    Idi1 NM_145360 2.0/1.5 Isopentenyl-diphosphate δ isomerase
    Lss NM_146006 2.0a/1.8/1.0a Lanosterol synthase
    Mvd NM_138656 2.7/2.4 Mevalonate (diphospho) decarboxylase
    Pla2g7 NM_013737 0.24 Phospholipase A2, group VII
    Pmvk NM_026784 1.9 Phosphomevalonate kinase
    Pnpla7 NM_146251 2.4 Patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 7
    Scd2 NM_009128 7.1/3.4 Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 2
    Sqle NM_009270 2.5 Squalene epoxidase

Growth factors
    Btc NM_007568 0.76a/0.47 Betacellulin, EGF family member
    Caprin2 NM_181541 0.43 Caprin family member 2
    Ereg NM_007950 1.9 Epiregulin
    Nrg4 NM_032002 0.41 Neuregulin 4

    mfsd7c/Flvcr2 NM_145447 6.2 Major facilitator superfamily domain-containing 7C
    Slc23a2 NM_018824 0.54/0.43 Solute carrier family 23, member 2

Antigen processing and presentation
    Ciita NM_007575 4.5/4.4 Class II transactivator
    H2-Aa NM_010378 3.0/2.2b Histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, α
    H2-Ab1 NM_207105 2.3/2.1/1.9 Histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, β1
    H2-Dma NM_010386 2.3 Histocompatibility 2, class II, locus DMa
    H2-Dmb1/Dmb2 NM_010387/NM_010388 2.9/3.3 Histocompatibility 2, class II, locus DMb1/2
    H2-Eb1 NM_010382 1.9 Histocompatibility 2, class II antigen E β
    H2-gs10 NM_001143689 1.8 MHC class I like protein GS10
    0610037M15Rik XM_903697 1.8 RIKEN cDNA 0610037M15 gene

    6330442E10Rik NM_178745 0.34 RIKEN cDNA 6330442E10 gene
    Acta1 NM_009606 4.1 Actin, α1, skeletal muscle
    Apcdd1 NM_133237 1.0a/0.86a/0.79b/0.48 APC-down-regulated 1
    Gbp2 NM_010260 2.2b/2.1 Guanylate nucleotide-binding protein 2
    Gm7120 NM_001039244 1.0a/0.49 Predicted gene 7120
    Gphn NM_172952 0.61b/0.47 Gephyrin
    Greb1 NM_015764 0.28 Gene regulated by estrogen in breast cancer protein 1
    Hlf NM_172563 0.88a/0.31 Hepatic leukemia factor
    Jdp2 NM_030887 2.1 Jun dimerization protein 2
    Map3k6 NM_016693 2.6 MAP kinase kinase kinase 6
    Mt1 NM_013602 160/8.0 Metallothionein 1
    Mup1 NM_001045550 440/8.0a Major urinary protein1 (and 2/7/8/10/12/17)
    Pdk4 NM_013743 0.32 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 4
    Pfkfb3 NM_133232 1.9/1.5a 6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3
    Rps6ka2 NM_011299 1.0a/0.57 Ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 2
    Secisbp2l NM_177608 1.8/1.2a SECIS binding protein 2-like
    Susd2 NM_001162913 1.9 Sushi domain-containing 2
    Tmem184c NM_145599 2.5 Transmembrane protein 184c
    Tmigd1 NM_025655 4.2 Transmembrane and immunoglobulin domain-containing 1
    Tubb2b NM_023716 0.54 Tubulin, β2b
    Ubd NM_023137 7.5 Ubiquitin D

a p > 0.05.

b 0.01 ≤ p ≤ 0.05.