Figure 10.
Application of both CCH and DHPG increases the change of the post-burst potential induced by either CCH or DHPG. A, CCH-induced ADP. Time courses of the post-burst potential amplitudes induced by either CCH (left; n = 11) or CCH after CCH + DHPG (middle; n = 12). Summary of the change post-burst potentials at the end of experiments (right; unpaired t test, *p < 0.01). B, DHPG-induced ADP. Time courses of the post-burst potential amplitudes induced by either DHPG (left; n = 12) or DHPG after CCH + DHPG (middle; n = 10). Summary of the change in post-burst potentials at the end of experiments (right; unpaired t test, *p < 0.01).