Fig. 6. Morris water maze.
A) Morris maze — acquisition. Training in the Morris water maze consisted of 3 trials per day for 8 days to locate a hidden platform. Mean latencies for finding the platform over the 3 daily trials are shown during training (task acquisition). If mice did not find the platform within 60 s, they were placed on the platform, and the latency was recorded as 60 s. Data represent the mean latencies±SE for PON1−/− mice exposed to 0.15 mg/kg/d CPO, 0.18 mg/kg/d CPO, or 0.25 mg/kg/d CPO, or to vehicle alone. B–E) Morris maze — retention. Retention was assessed at 1 week (B), 2 weeks (C), 3 weeks (D) and 4 weeks (E) following the last day of training, and consisted of one trial of 2-minute duration. Data represent the time spent in the target quadrant (where the platform was located during training) versus time spent in the opposite quadrant. Values are expressed as mean±SE.