Table. Epidemiologic, clinical, and serologic information for 10 patients with African tick-bite fever*.
Patient | Sex/age (y) | Tick bite | Delay before onset (d) | Fever | Headache | Myalgia | Eschar (site) | Skin rash | 1st serum† IgG/IgM | 2nd serum† IgG/IgM | Diagnosis |
1 | M/62 | No | 7 | Yes | No | No | Multiple (legs) | No | NA | NA | Probable |
2 | F/58 | No | 6 | Yes | No | Yes | Multiple (legs, arms) | No | 64/32 | 64/128 | Confirmed |
3 | M/58 | No | 6 | No | Yes | No | Single (trunk) | No | 64/32 | 128/16 | Confirmed |
4 | F/51 | No | 6 | No | Yes | Yes | Multiple (legs, trunk) | No | 0/64 | 128/16 | Confirmed |
5 | M/58 | No | 5 | Yes | No | Yes | Multiple (legs) | No | 512/0 | 512/0 | Confirmed |
6 | F/57 | No | 5 | No | No | Yes | Yes (unknown) | Yes | NA | 32/16 | Confirmed |
7 | M/65 | No | 5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Multiple (hands) | No | 128/64 | 512/128 | Confirmed |
8 | F/59 | No | 10 | No | No | No | Multiple (legs, arms, trunk) | No | 64/8 | 128/32 | Confirmed |
9 | M/53 | No | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Multiple (legs) | Yes | 0/0 | 1,024/512 | Confirmed |
10 | M/51 | No | 8 | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | 32/32 | 64/64 | Confirmed |
Total (%) | 0 | 60 | 40 | 70 | 90 | 30 |
*NA, not available; Ig, immunoglobulin; male-to-female ratio, 60%; mean age = 57.2 ± 4.5 years. †Identical results obtained with both Rickettsia africae and R. conorii antigens.