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. 2012 May 30;6:204–210. doi: 10.2174/1874325001206010204

Table 1.

Different Methods for Testing DRUJ Instability. Each Test is Explained and their Specific Characteristics are Described

Name How to Perform Positive if: Tested Stabilizer Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Stress test/ballottement Elbowflexion 90°, fingers to the ceiling. Dorsopalmar movement of the ulna in respect to the radius in maximal pronation and supination Painful or DRUJ laxity Palmar and dorsal lig. subcruentum 66 68
Radius pull test Elbowflexion 90°, wrist in neutral position, pulling the radius in longitudinal direction Ulnar variance increases during pulling under fluoroscopy Interosseous membrane Up to 100% in cadaveric studies Up to 100% in cadaveric studies
Clunk test Compress ulna to the radius during passive pronosupination A clunk is palpable for the patient Interosseous membrane Not available Not available
ECU test Elbowflexion 90°, hand in ulnar deviation, active pronosupination Abnormal motion ECU tendon ECU tendon Not available Not available
Press test Patient pushes himself up from seated position with use of affected wrist Focal ulnar sided wrist pain TFCC 100% Not available